


16.) GGS-groups acting on trees of growing degrees, joint with Anitha Thillasundarum, submitted,  May 2024, (arxiv

15.) Block mapping class groups and their finiteness properties, joint with Javier Aramayona, Julio Aroca, María Cumplido, and Xiaolei Wu, submitted July 2022, (arxiv)

14.)  Groups acting on rooted trees, expository article accompanying minicourse at CIRM, (preprint)

13.)  Finding and combining indicable subgroups of big mapping class groups, with Carolyn Abbott, Hannah Hoganson, Marissa Loving, and Priyam Patel, submitted September 2021,  (arxiv)


12.) Type systems and maximal subgroups of Thompson's group  V, joint with Collin Bleak, James Belk, and Martyn Quick, submitted June 2022, to appear in the Transactions of the AMS, Series B, (arxiv)

11.) Homological stability for the ribbon Higman-Thompson groups, with Xiaolei Wu, submitted June 2021, to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topology, (arxiv) 

10.) Thompson's group T is 3/2-generated, joint with Collin Bleak and Scott Harper, to appear in Israel Journal of Mathematics, (arxiv

9.) Braiding groups of automorphisms and almost-automorphisms of trees, with Matthew C. B. Zaremsky, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 76-02 (2024), 555 - 593  (arxiv) (published open access version )

8.) Finiteness properties for relatives of braided Higman-Thompson groups, with Xiaolei Wu, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 17-04 (2023), 1357–1391 (arxiv) (published version

7.) Almost-automorphisms of trees, cloning systems and finiteness properties, with Matthew C. B. Zaremsky,   Journal of Topology and Analysis, 13-01 (2021), 101-146. (arxiv) (published version)

6.) Lamplighter groups, bireversible automata and rational series over finite rings, with Benjamin Steinberg, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 14-2 (2020), 567–589. (arxiv), (published version)

5.)  On the Cantor-Bendixson rank of the Grigorchuk group and the Gupta-Sidki 3 group, with Phillip Wesolek, Journal of Algebra, 555-1 (2020), 386-405. (arxiv), (published version)

4.) The congruence subgroup problem for a family of branch groups,  International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 30-2 (2020), 397-418. (arxiv) (published version)

3.)  Commensurability growth of branch groups, with Khalid Bou-Rabee and Daniel Studenmund, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 304-1 (2020), 43-54. (arxiv) (published version)

2.) Simple groups separated by finiteness properties,  with Stefan Witzel and Matthew C. B. Zaremksy, Inventiones Mathematicae, 215 (2019), no.2, 713-740. (arxiv) (not downloadable but open access published version) (downloadable but not open access published version)

1.) A constructive proof that the Hanoi towers group has non-trivial rigid kernel, Topology Proceedings, 53 (2019), 1-14. (arxiv) (published version)

Co-authors and Current Collaborators: